Sundbybergs IK Fotboll's core values, waiting list and fees
On this page you can read all you need to know about Sundbybergs IK Fotboll in terms of core values, how to become a player in SIK Fotboll and our fees
Sundbybergs IK Fotboll's core values
Sundbybergs IK Fotboll consists of about 1400 individuals who work together to give 1200 players access to quality football in a healthy, inclusive environment. We activate girls and boys, children, young people and adults, people of different origins, from different family types and with completely different economic conditions.
Our values and our curriculum (the Sundbyberg model) set the framework for how and what we do in Sundbybergs IK Fotboll. It is our common agreement, where those of us who want to be involved gain an understanding of where the boundaries are and what opportunities there are in our section.
To be a part of Sundbybergs IK Fotboll is to share our values and to work with the Sundbyberg model.
Without the core values, all our activities would just be a random result of many individuals' personal decisions and interests at the moment. We would never be able to talk about "Sundbybergs IK Fotboll" and know what it stands for. Let alone be able to introduce ourselves to new members, sponsors, the municipality or any other external person. We wouldn't be able to plan, evolve or solve problems. Nor would we be able to help you in situations when you feel that something is wrong in our business.
Our values with 5 keywords
What it all comes down to, our goal and our purpose. Without football, we don't exist. Of course, our football activities create lots of other positive feelings and experiences related to the team, the community, the friendship and everything that happens around us. But in the end, it's because of football that all the rest exists. Therefore, we should always set to stimulate and develop the interest in playing football in the center. If we lose interest in football, the other things disappear as well.
All who like to play football and who want to try to follow our curriculum and values can join. The Sundbyberg model clearly shows how we differ from other clubs and how we look at training and matches. Sometimes our training groups get overcrowded, but we will always do everything we can to give everyone the opportunity. As long as there are parents to help, it can always be solved.
In Sundbybergs IK Fotboll, we will be open about everything related to our activities at all levels. The board and football consultants must be open about all decisions and how the business is governed and prioritized. All leaders must be open and clear with football consultants, parents and players about what is happening in and around the training group. All communication and decisions should be able to be discussed openly, without prestige, either before or afterwards. All training groups are part of SIK Football and no single leader or parent group "owns their team".
In the absence of commitment from all parents, leaders, players and board members, there is no such thing as non-profit sports in Sweden. SIK Football is no exception. Commitment can be made on many different levels within an association and every smallest effort is of great importance in the big picture. It is good to keep in mind that commitment is often associated with the opportunity to influence. The more you participate, the more you can improve. Always ask yourself what you can contribute and also be prepared to be asked what you can do. Big or small.
We are meticulous in everything we do and aim for the best. We are an influential football section at national level in many respects. We have a unique annual meeting where the members are involved in prioritizing the business. We have a unique curriculum for football in the Sundbyberg model. We have uniquely efficient work processes at the office. We have a very developed communication with complete transparency to the members. We have been recognized in many different contexts as a role model club in football Sweden.
Core values in brief:
Football - that's why we're here
Inclusivity - you get to join in
Transparency - we are open about everything
Commitment - how can you contribute?
Quality - we aim for the best
Read more about the Sundbyberg model, our curriculum for football >>
Become a player in Sundbybergs IK Fotboll
Glad you are interested in being a part of Sundbybergs IK Fotboll!
Fill in (the player's) details here and then submit your expression of interest. You will then be placed on our waiting list and will be contacted by our office as soon as a place in one of our training groups arises. The waiting time varies depending on the age and training group. Please notice that there is a waiting list in most of our training groups. To be able to expand our training groups you as a parent needs to help as coach – If you are able to help as a coach, you and your child will be prioritized
Sundbybergs Idrottsklubb is a multi-section club and Sundbybergs IK Fotboll is one of ten sections in the club.
Member fee 2023 - Sundbybergs IK
Billed in January.
The membership fee makes you a member of the club and is a prerequisite for you to be able to join one or more of the different sections as an active, coach or board member. The fee is set annually at Sundbybergs Idrottsklubb's annual meeting and is invoiced by the club board.
Category | Fee/year |
Leader | 300 kr |
Active 0-12 years | 300 kr |
Active 13-19 years | 375 kr |
Active 20+ years | 600 kr |
Family* | 900 kr |
Supportive | 300 kr |
*The family fee is the same regardless of the number of people in the family, however, all family members must be registered at the same address.
Section fee 2023 - Sundbybergs IK Fotboll
Billed in March.
All players pay a section fee to play football in Sundbybergs IK. It is used to cover, among other things, personnel costs, league costs, referee fees, team material, leadership clothing, room rents, etc.
Category | Age | Fee/year |
Knatteskolan | 5 years | 995 kr |
Knatteskolan 2-3 | 6-7 years | 900 kr |
Spelform 5v5 | 8-9 years | 1200 kr |
Spelform 7v7 | 10-12 years | 1300 kr |
Spelform 9v9 | 13-14 years | 1550 kr |
Spelform 11v11 | 15+ years | 1700 kr |
Local series | J-team | 2800 SEK |
Regional/national series | J-team | 4000 SEK |
Stockholm Series | C-Team | 1550 kr |
Walking Football | 55+ years | 400 kr |
*No membership fee will be invoiced for Knatteskolan autumn.
Regardless of the player's age, he pays the section fee that applies to the training group he belongs to.
Administrative issues
The membership and section fee is invoiced in March and refers to the period January-December.
If the fees have not been paid by the due date, a reminder will be sent. After the reminder's due date, there is a ban on attendance.
If you have questions regarding fees and payment, please email
You can also read more on the link about Sundbybergs IK Fotboll's financial fund for individual members. The Football Fund >>